Trout Lake Station is a year-round field station operated by the Center for Limnology at University of Wisconsin - Madison. Located in the Northern Highland Lake District in northern Wisconsin, the station provides access to a wide variety of aquatic ecosystems and their surrounding landscapes. More than 2500 lakes are within 50 km of the station.
These lakes have seen profound changes. What will they be like when our descendants visit in 50 or 100 years?
In 1981, to understand the causes and consequences of changes to natural ecosystems, the National Science Foundation established the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program. The lakes and surrounding landscapes near UW-Madison's Trout Lake Station were chosen as one of 25 U.S. LTER sites devoted to the study of long term ecological change.
In early August Trout Lake Station hosts its annual open house where all are welcome to come and learn about the research currently being conducted at the station. The last few years a Drawing Water artist, Terry Daulton, has hosted "Once Upon a Lake", a collaborative work made from pastels and card stock.